Fleur Bothwick OBE
July 1961 - January 2024
It is with great sadness I write to share the news that Fleur has sadly passed away after a brief illness resulting in heart complications.
Fleur was a fantastic Ambassador for Age Irrelevance, making brilliant connections across her network. She was tireless in her ability to help and support others, from book launches to podcasts. Always offering great advice and provocation to do more.
Just 4 weeks before she passed away she was helping to shape our narrative. She made the connection to Move Ahead who are now a ChangeMaker with us. She supported our purpose with passion and with a real determination to make a difference.
She will be best remembered for being a brilliant advocate and ally that championed inclusion and fairness. Single minded and clear in her approach to ensure equality, her passion and insight inspired others to drive change.
She leaves behind a great legacy for others to follow. Our greatest tribute to Fleur will be to continue with an unrelenting voice for inclusivity in all aspects of life.